
your digital playground to build a

brand, business & legacy

we are
We are a global community of conscious entrepreneurs who are committed to bringing forth a paradigm shift in how we do business and life.


The Freedom Era is a home for those who are tired of giving their life force to building someone else’s dream, and who are done with feeling like their destiny is constantly in the hands of others.
We stand for YOUR empowerment as an individual who is craving to create more freedom of choice and time!


We stand for a sustainable business model that allows you to partner with the offer we recommend, build an authentic personal brand and leverage social media to create a thriving online income and community of kindred souls.

As a holistic Academy

we are dedicated

to the continual up-levelling of YOU, our family – we bring up-to-date and relevant education to support you.

We stand strong behind the 80/20 rule in business, that success lies in 80% personal development and 20% strategy.

This is reflected in our curriculum and exclusive masterclasses that are designed to support and up-skill you with the necessary mindset tools and strategy to build an online business.

Our goal is to give you all you need to thrive in times of uncertainty, even when it feels like all else is beyond your control.

in a world full of


we are supporting thousands of everyday people, just like you across the globe to shatter the constructs of hustle, burnout, unfulfillment and scarcity to recreate a new world where we all rise and thrive

how we

support you

The Freedom Era is an academy that provides a holistic approach in its delivery of world-class training. Ranging from business strategy, leadership, digital marketing and personal development, we equip you with the skills you need to unlock limitless opportunities and disrupt the status quo!

As the world changes, the way we do business has to as well.

Our education is real-world-centric and delivers up-to-date training with what is working in the world of online business right now.

We teach you the fundamentals of going from employee to entrepreneur.

We know you need BOTH the strategy and the mindset to bring your dreams to life which is why we prioritise both in our content delivery. We are your one-stop shop for all things business building and personal development.

Once you apply these to any offer, you have got a winning skillset!

Inside you will be guided from the very beginning with a step-by-step process and targeted support and education ranging from fundamental courses, mentorships, high-end consultant masterclasses and whole-day masterminds.

Whether you choose to partner with the offer we recommend or leverage our education for your own offer, there is limitless value here for you!

how it works


As a new member, you will experience Our Discovery Process. This is a powerful coaching experience that gives you full permission to dream big and get clear on what you desire for yourself.

In this process you’ll be guided through the journey of uncovering what it is you want to create and identifying some of the things that may be standing in your way – awareness is the key to change, after-all.

launch your business

Valued at $4997, this course is a 30 day container that guides you through a step by step process, intentionally designed for you to start and launch your online business from scratch. Even if you have a pre-existing business, this powerful course will support you to strengthen your foundations.

Here’s a peak of what you can expect to receive: 

  • A Digital Business Booklet (basically your go-to guide over the 30 days)
  • Targeted educational videos to support you to set up your Social Media
  • How to rewire limiting beliefs
  • How to get super clear on your soul mate clients so you are magnetic to them
  • How to create a routine of daily actions to support your business and personal growth


AKA how to run your business 24/7 without being ON 24/7!

An online business should provide you with the flexibility to actually enjoy your time not have you glued to your phone, wearing all the hats and constantly trying to keep things running.

This is why The Freedom Era has created affiliate links and automated systems to operate for you, so your business can run while you sleep.

What does this look like?

Sales Calls – Digital Business Specialists, our sales professionals doing your sales calls for you

Marketing – Funnels, emails curated graphs and videos all done-for-you to support your front-end marketing

what’s waiting for you

inside the academy



This is the epicentre of value inside The Freedom Era Academy.

Stacked full of industry experts and global entrepreneurs in their respective disciplines, we bring them all together, under one roof to provide targeted support for our members.

With the likes of Stephanie Schultz, Preston Smiles, Ben Simkin, Scott Oldford, Melanie Ann Layer, Adam Roa, Gaby Kowalski plus SO MANY MORE!

Twice a month we invite in high-end consultants to support you to up-level your growth, across business and personal development you are continually supported.

These masterminds are inclusive of your membership, and we love providing this next-level value because we know the transformation that proximity to these kinds of personalities brings.

We want that for you!



Every quarter we ramp up the energy with our signature Momentum Mastermind, a full day dedicated to your expansion and growth!

We bring in some incredible speakers, Preston Smiles, Alexi Panos, Regan Hillyer, and Brock Johnson, just to name a few. Each speaker is handpicked to reflect feedback and what we know you as our community are needing to hear and learn to propel you into massive momentum energy in your life and business!

This event is COMPLIMENTARY to our members – valued at $5000, you have live and lifetime access to this for the duration of your membership.


With the right mindset, strategy and business model, you can turn your social media into a thriving business.

A business that allows you to unleash your creativity, and authenticity to create a life that inspires you and provides you with the freedom of choice.

It is exactly with this in mind that our fundamental curriculum has been designed.

In our courses, you are supported to lay the foundations for a rock solid mindset, rewiring belief systems and grounding into embodiment.

In addition to this, we have our courses that give you the strategy to fast track your business, instead of having to try a million different methods first till you find what sticks.

Everything from copywriting, paid and organic leads generation, sales, marketing and leadership training – we have all your bases covered.



Without a product or service you do not have a business, but we know not everyone has the time OR desire to create offers from scratch, and this is fine, it does not mean you are not meant to be a business owner!

The online space is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world right now, as people are searching for ways to create more financial independence for themselves.

Creating massive results by aligning with companies who have done the hard work for you is no longer reserved for celebrities and social media influencers.

The everyday person now has the ability to partner with products that people actually want, need AND love to create a thriving business all without prior experience or a huge social media following.

This is why The Freedom Era believes so strongly in partnering with Enagic®, a leading manufacturer of water ionization systems.

Enagic® machines transform regular tap water into filtered, Electrolysed-Reduced Water, rich in molecular hydrogen, otherwise known as Kangen Water™.

Electrolysed Reduced Water has been scientifically proven to improve your internal health.

Enagic® machines produce five different types of water (highly Akalised & Acidic) with a number of different uses, replacing most cleaning and personal care products.

leverage proven products

that convert

The Freedom Era philosophy to creating a sustainable online business is to leverage proven products that work and convert without the overheads that come along with traditional business.

Find out more about how Enagic®’s suite of products could support your dream life goals below ↓



Being a lone wolf is no longer the only way to do business.

The growing trend of community and collaboration are fostering environments where people are empowered to be the best versions of themselves and be inspired and mentored by people who have walked the road and created the results you want.

The Freedom Era community is unlike any other, as we pride ourselves on our high vibe, down to earth, straight shooting members who come from all walks of life but have one thing in common.

They know they want more, and are committed to making it happen.

It is this belief, amplified by thousands that creates such a powerful container to immerse yourself in. From online events and in person ones, we know our community is one you’ll adore being a part of!

…is to create a new way of doing life and business.

To bring forth the new Earth in how we live, lead, serve and receive.

To support people to create businesses that do good for themselves, the people and the planet.

Our mission is to support people to live the life that’s true for them, to have the resources, skills and belief to go out and reach for the stars.

Because when we rise for ourselves we rise for us all.

Copyright © The Freedom Era 2023. All Rights Reserved.