
The magic inside The Freedom Era just keeps growing as we experience the incredible gifts of those who enter our vortex.

 Last week we had the opportunity to hear from a beautiful soul who is the pure embodiment of her message.

A woman who dances between realms and took us all on a journey to understanding how to embody the essence of the 5D in the here and now!

Livia Devi!

Livia’s wisdom was pure and captivating with tangible knowledge about how to truly create a business that is in full alignment with your soul’s mission and how to anchor the frequency of 5D consciousness into 3D reality.

Livia has built a multi-six figure business rapidly by claiming her sovereign birth right of abundance in ALL forms and shared in depth about how this is possible for you too!

AND the activation 🤯🤩

We were blessed to have Livia facilitate such a mesmerising experience. Guided by the Arcturian Council of Light, you will receive the path to your highest timeline of abundance – in all expressions!

It was truly magical – in more ways than one.

To hear the in-depth value Livia shares in this masterclass you can grab yourself a 14 day FULL ACCESS trial inside The Freedom Era Academy below. You will have access to Livia’s masterclass PLUS our entire suite of masterclasses and courses 🤯!

This is one of those masterclasses you might not have realised you needed until you receive it.


If you need further convincing though 🤪 check out a snippet of Livia unloading her genius on our YouTube channel

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